Minggu, Maret 13, 2011

Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun (PAKEM) Teaching and Learning through Contextual Teaching and Learning

Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun Teaching and Learning (PAKEM) has become a favorite in almost every workshop learning. Along with the shift of the paradigm of teacher-centered to student-centered, hence the need for creativity in creating an attractive learning so that students are stimulated active in learning. One approach that can be applied in order to realize PAKEM is Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

In CTL, constructivism into the underlying philosophy of learning. Teachers should provide a ladder to the students to develop a specific concept. The stairs in this context is the condition of learning. Students are placed in a fun learning environment that can provide a great opportunity for them to explore the material. The knowledge gained through exploration and discovery will dwell long in the minds of students. To achieve the highest ladder, then the teacher should be the master motivator, to convey to them the things that must be obtained at the end of the lesson and of course do not forget to show how them how to achieve the highest ladder.

In other words, would be summarized, that the CTL was built by the eight main pillars:
  • Making a meaningful connection;
  • Doing meaningful work;
  • Perform a self-regulated learning;
  • Working closely;
  • Think critically and creatively;
  • Assisting individuals to develop;
  • Achieving high standards;
  • Using authentic assessment.
Here is an example of learning that applies to the concept of Natural Selection CTL in class IX
Interesting and Focusing Attention Students
In this learning phase contained CTL pillars:
  • Making a meaningful connection;
  • Assisting individuals to develop;
Activities Aperseption
The pillars of CTL that is applied in apersepsi activities, namely:Making a meaningful connection;
  • Think critically and creatively;
  • Assisting individuals to develop;
  • Using authentic assessment.
Formulating Problems and Hypotheses

For students who are still not used to design a scientific activity, then the formulation of the problem may be filed by the teacher. At this stage, the pillars underlying CTL is:
  • Making a meaningful connection;
  • Assisting individuals to develop;
Explaining Practical Activities

Although prior to practical activities conducted by the students were asked to understand the steps that work will be done, but it is important to ensure that students perform the correct procedure. In other words, teachers have helped individuals to develop.

Practical Activities

Practical activities and discussion group / class is a means for students to explore their abilities as much as possible. Students are expected to:
  • Making a meaningful connection;
  • Doing meaningful work;
  • Perform a self-regulated learning;
  • Working closely;
  • Think critically and creatively;
  • Achieving high standards.
Teachers help individuals to develop and achieve high standards. To measure the ability of students who actually used authentic assessment of performance assessment.

In the last activity students are encouraged to make learning meaningful linkages with the conclusion. They are expected to achieve high standards after after attending a series of stages of learning.

Students Learning Capacity

A class VI student daughter who had just learn the material characteristics and Breeding Sentient Beings Development asked innocently to his father holding a science textbook "Daddy, what's that seminal fluid? Bu teacher said, if the boys had baligh, he could remove seminal fluid. I read in the book also said so. The father is confused to answer questions posed by his daughter. Then he answered. "The liquid semen discharge from the male genitalia." His daughter replied. "Oh, so that semen urine yes. If so does the baby boy already baligh, did he pee every day. "

An excerpt of dialogue will not happen if teachers prepare teaching materials properly. It was common knowledge that often teachers develop instructional materials have relied only on one book source. These conditions certainly a big opportunity to book publishers for reaping huge profits. Towards the new school year, the publisher of the book trying to persuade teachers to use books that were produced. This phenomenon commonly occurs even though the government officially has banned teachers to sell books to students at the school. But the teacher as the spearhead of teaching and learning remains to be the most reliable to determine the quality of the books of learning resources, so that later students are expected to buy textbooks recommended by teachers. Therefore, each trying to highlight the advantages publisher of the book, both in terms of completeness of the material covered in the book, as well as in terms of price.

For most teachers, the best textbooks for students are recommended to book the most complete coverage of the material. Not weird, textbooks selected as student handbook together with the source text book teaching held by teachers. Finally, the book became the sole source of consideration for teachers in developing teaching materials.

In fact, students should have its own grip textbooks appropriate to their cognitive abilities, not deliberately tailored to the cognitive abilities of the teacher. Therefore, before determining the appropriate textbooks for students, teachers should first recognize and consider the condition of their students, especially for the case of Class VI students will not recur.

Indeed, according to Piaget, the book Piaget's Cognitive-Stage Theory, children aged over 11 years are at the formal operational stage of cognitive development. Stages in which the child is able to operate the rules of formal logic that is not bound anymore by the objects that are concrete. However, be aware that these capabilities can not be generalized to all children.

So the full scope of learning resource materials in the book, it often even students' cognitive burden. As a result of learning is not to be a fun activity. For this reason, teachers are required to have the ability to process materials that are reliable for instructional materials can be easily understood by students.
Dr. Ari Widodo, education experts from UPI, argued that there are stages that needed to process materials. First, analyze the standard of competence and basic competencies and determine the indicators of learning. Second, analyzing the structure of matter from the textbook (the textbook should be used more than one). The analysis was performed to identify important concepts and levels of concepts ranging from the broadest to narrow its scope. Third, empirical studies done on prior knowledge (prior knowledge) students. Need to be understood that the student can not be analogous to the mind as a blank paper which can be written freely by teachers. Believe that students who are before teachers have had prior knowledge obtained by students as a result of previous learning. In this phase teachers gather information from students about the important concepts of teaching materials will be developed through the frequently asked questions or interviews. If the majority of students have had prior knowledge that the right through a concept, then the concept does not need to be reviewed in the teaching materials so that teachers can turn to the presentation of another concept. Pembelajaranpun time allocation can be more streamline and more focused to study the concepts more difficult. This stage should also be optimized by the teacher to recognize the stages of cognitive and language style of the students so that teachers do not develop teaching materials that are too difficult to understand. Fourth, develop teaching materials in the form of modules or student worksheets for use in learning activities.

The development of good teaching materials can not be done in a short time. However, this constraint can disiasati by preparing instructional materials at the beginning of a new school year. These teaching materials are prepared based on prior knowledge student assessment data for the same material in the previous school year, with the assumption that students in previous academic year have prior knowledge that is not much different from the students in the school year now. Hopefully it is useful.

The Importance of Giving Reward to Encourage Student Achievement

In the launch of his book Should It aired in one of the private television, President Yudhoyono expressed concern that the Indonesian people are stingy to give awards. This statement seems he has a point.
In an event report card distribution, interesting discussions took place between a guardian class with one of the parents. He expressed his happiness at the sight of his son's enthusiasm for learning has increased since his son was awarded a plaque as the winner of the highest values in daily tests for teaching science. In the discussion, he proposed that each teacher gives charter or awards of any kind to motivate all students to be even harder to learn. The proposal of parents is very interesting to look at as a form of parental care toward improving quality of learning to be implemented in classroom teaching.

The proposal thus may be a simple suggestion, because in passing a physical piece of paper does not mean anything. Even giving praise or rewards are often forgotten. However, if the paper contained an expression of pride and appreciation on the achievements of teachers by students and validated by the school, then a piece of paper will change its value in the eyes of students who received awards. The award may also be provided with notebooks, pencils, pens, and other reading books neatly wrapped. In this way students will be motivated to learn. Happiness was so upset to hear his name announced as the best student and received the award in front of his friends to another. And will possibly encourage other students to compete in learning.

It is normal for every human being has a desire to respect others. Abraham Maslow in his book Motivation and Personality (1954) classifies the need for recognition (esteem needs) as a psychological need that must be met. Meeting the need for the award will lead to the emergence of self-confidence. Someone who has the confidence that enough will be able to show his best and more productive.

In the world of education, the application of Maslow's theory is realized with the reward system (rewards) and punishment (punishment). Reward given to students who can demonstrate good performance in learning, while the punishment given to students who do not obey the rules. Both should be given proper and balanced. That is, when teachers find that there are students who violate the rules, then teachers need to provide sanctions for those students realize the mistake he had done and not repeat the same mistakes. However, if there are students who managed to do a good job, then the teachers do not hesitate to give praise in the form of verbal or written. Application of penalty (punishment) must be precise and very careful, because the form of punishment, both physical and through the words most likely received negatively by the students even though they know that his actions were wrong.
Awarded when doing a commendable action is the right of students. Therefore, do not have to worry praise will make the students become lazy or spoiled. Precisely proportioned with honors, students gain a more strengthening and energy to improve themselves. By doing so, indirectly increase will make teachers' authority in the eyes of students.

Giving praise is a form of extrinsic motivation that affect student learning. Motivation is believed to have a strategic role in one's learning activities. No one who learns without motivation. No motivation means no learning. Students who have the motivation to learn is always sure to complete any work performed. Each test given by the teachers are not faced with the restless anxiety, but faced with calm and confidence.

The moment when the teacher assess the tasks can be an opportunity for teachers to provide feedback in the form of comments to the student building. It is expected that students can improve and continue to improve its performance in learning. This activity can also be a vehicle to facilitate communication between teachers and all students who have been the factor of learning problems that occur in large classes (classes with student numbers more than 30 people). By giving corrections or comments to the task, students learn how teachers pay attention in class so that there arose a sense of fun learning with the teacher. If teachers manage to stimulate the emergence of self-motivation in students, then teachers will indirectly increase the interest of student learning against the lesson diampunya. Thus, students will be happy to learn that lesson. In the end the reward and punishment are expected to shape the personality of students who excel both intellectually and emotionally.

Memory at 9th Life Science Symposium, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Singapore

In Curriculum Content Standards Science 2006 (MONE, 2006) stated that science education in junior high schools are directed to do so can help students to gain a deeper understanding about the nature around. Science learning is emphasized in the learning experience directly through the use and development of scientific process skills.

Cain and Evans (Rustaman et al., 2003) tells us that science (IPA) has four dimensions, ie the process or method, content or products, attitudes, and technology. Science as a process or method means that science is a process or scientific method to gain knowledge.

Today, students who have learned the concepts of science should be encouraged to use and apply in their daily lives, for example, to produce technologies and explain phenomena / natural events encountered. Students need to be trained to produce the technology, creativity and innovation that benefit society. Thus science is not only understood as a unity of concepts or principles. Hoolbrool (Poedjiadi, 2005) argued that science should not only be viewed as pure science but as a subject that can be applied.

Therefore, it is required an effort to develop students' creativity in producing the technology, where students are challenged to create a useful product from a variety of simple items that are easy to obtain from the environment. One container was deemed appropriate to include products created by students in a competition.

By following the competition students gain many benefits. In addition to publicize the creation of products to the audience, students can also measure the extent to which the benefits of product creation for society. Students can immediately find out the public a direct response to the product.

One of the competition proper for students to measure the quality and product innovation homemade 9th Life Sciences Symposium is organized by an educational institution in Singapore, namely Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) from 27th February 2010-4 March 2010. The race is held regularly once a year and attended by students from various countries around the world. Students who follow this competition were challenged to design an experiment using food and kitchen equipment to demonstrate scientific principles with an innovative way. Therefore, this activity needs to be appreciated because it is a golden opportunity for Indonesian students to learn about a wide range of science products produced by the scientists in the world so they can participate in creating a better world. In addition, our long-term goal of this competition is to open up opportunities for all students SMPN 2 Cimahi to obtain scholarships for study in Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) next year.

Reportedly to school participants of the competition, the ACS will invite the students in these schools to follow the ACS entry selection tests in the following year. So, with our participation in this year we hope next year (2011) IX class students at our school to strive to obtain a scholarship to continue his education at the ACS (the high school level).

SMPN 2 Cimahi is the only school for the first of Cimahi the opportunity to participate in this exciting science competition. For that it would need to thank as many dihaturkan to Mr Mayor Cimahi (Ir. H. Itoch Tochija, MM) and Head of Education Department Cimahi (Drs. Djoko Santoso, MM) and their staffs who have provided support.

The team of SMPN 2 Cimahi of four students (Rahmi Rahmania, Nafisa Hidayatul Mahmudah, Rani Ida Sugatri, and Melinda Ayu Adzani) assisted by two teachers supervising (Gita Nurul Puspita, M. Pd. And Amalia Rahisadewi, S. Pd.) . The themes presented in the form of cutter based mini MACHINE from kitchen equipment such as pans and pots which flattened the former then cut zigzag so that the edges are sharp. To move the machine used dynamo associated with the two batteries as an energy source. We deliberately took up this issue due to several reasons. First, it is usually used equipment that is damaged tend not to be used and discarded. Second, to reduce kitchen waste. Third, this machine can be used for cutting various objects, such as paper, vegetables, fruits, plastic, rubber, and others. In other words we want to create an instrument of and for the purposes of the kitchen.

On Friday night (February 26, 2010) we flew from Soekarno-Hatta using Lion Air. Arrive at Changi at approximately 23:50 local time, we immediately picked up by teachers of Anglo-Chinese School (ACS), Mr. R. Devendran and Mr. See Boon Tiam. I had a conversation with Mr. Devendran. From her posture, you can bet he is a Singaporean Tamil ancestry. His figure is friendly enough, it turns out he is a professor in the Department of Physics ACS. I pointed out that this is the first time we followed the competitions held at ACS, so we still have a lot to ask. Then he delivered this year's team competition followed by 27 participants from six countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, India, and Mexico. This year there are no participants from New Zealand.

We do not directly transfer to hotel. We welcome istrirahat moment at Changi while awaiting the arrival of the delegation from Mexico. Fifteen minutes later, the Mexican delegation, represented by CAROL Baur AZTLAN Colegio, Colegio CAROL Baur (both are the equivalent of junior high school in Indonesia) and Colegio CAROL ARDILLAS Baur (level with SD) arrives, all totaling 12 students with three teachers supervising. We were stunned for a moment as if to meet with telenovela actress (:-D). Olavarrieta Sandra Maldonado, Ana Laura Rivero Borrel and Sandra Maldonado Baur friendly hello to us and shook our hands tightly while still looking streaks aircraft fatigue after traveling for 24 hours.

By using a bus provided by the ACS we delivered to the inn, the Hotel Royal at Newton Road. During the trip several Mexican students ask why some of us were using cloth covering the head and others do not. It appears they were amazed with our worn hijab but confused because not all of our students wear them. Then my colleague explained that not all Indonesian women veiled.

Sex Education for Children

Appointment of the famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea as attorney Cut Tari making pornographic videos of suspected cases is played by Ariel, Luna Maya and Cut Tari kept rolling until hot and who knows when to end. This case very interesting people and have a major impact for the children who idolize the them.

We know that more and more Indonesian children who abuse, rape and sexually victimized as case. Chairman KPAI Hadi Supeno revealed from the date of June 14 to June 23 KPAI received 33 reports of children being raped between the ages of 4-12 years. The perpetrators are aged 16-18 years, admitted before the rape, they watch videos Ariel. All the players who caught the police claimed aroused after watching sex shows Ariel (www.kpai.go.id). We as a society can only hope that the perpetrators and dispersers porn video arrested and sentenced to punishments as severe as for the deterrent effect and become a learning society.

These events inevitably raises a series of questions. What about the future of Indonesia's young generation? Why they can easily be provoked by viewing porn? Should sex education be given to children?

National Education Minister Mohammad Nuh told in Antara (www.antaranews.com) expressed disapproval with the wishes of some parties to be given sex education in schools to students associated with the rampant circulation of pornographic films allegedly made by a number of artists. In his view, sex education does not need to be one in the school curriculum because sex can grow and emerge naturally without having to be taught.

You may agree or differ with his views. But that can not be denied, adolescence is a time where someone has a great curiosity about sex. In Indonesia, the word sex into the most popular word searched through Google's search engine information. Because there are many people who consider sex a taboo to talk about the children, the children took the initiative to find out for himself through various sources of information often mistaken to fulfill a sense of curiosity. As a result, if not get the proper information about sex they will be affected by the myths that are not really about sex.

The survey results National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) shows that more than 60 percent of teens in Indonesia have premarital sex. The figures are quite alarming in the country upholding moral values and consider taboo in discussing sex. Thus, presumably to be considered for sex education given to children by the competent authorities such as parents, teachers and health practitioners.

Sex Education by Parents
Why parents are placed in the first place as the party most responsible for providing sex education to children? Parents are teachers first and foremost for the child. Prof. Dr. Nuryani Rustaman, Professor from Education University of Indonesia, called on parents should provide sex education since young children, since children can recognize her genitals.

The rise of violence and sexual abuse to minors was possible because of lack of knowledge of the child to maintain his sex organs of the reach of others. At the age of children under five was introduced to various body organs including the penis and vagina. These organs must be kept clean and treated with an example to the children how to maintain it. Then explain differences in genitalia held the opposite sex. Tell children not to show off his sexual organs in public and emphasized that children should not let the sex organ is touched by someone other than their parents. When that happens, tell him to scream bloody murder and reported in the elderly.

When the boy had dared to ask critical questions, eg about the origin of babies, the elderly living in a simple answer that babies come from seeds given to the mother's father. My father gave the seed through the penis into the vagina mom. This is called sexual intercourse and should only be done by the couple.

As a child growing mindset before puberty baligh, great time for parents to introduce menstruation (periods), wet dreams and physical and emotional changes in children when puberty. Parents can explain that the girls are having periods that are marked with blood from the vaginal discharge that is accompanied by changes in body shape and growth of breast and tiny hairs in certain places. Whereas in boys during puberty is marked by a thick discharge from the penis, called seminal fluid. Appears Adam's apple and the fine hairs in a particular place accompanied also changes the sound. At this age, most children feel confused, shy and not confident with the changes themselves. That's why parents play a major role to soothe and provide the appropriate knowledge-knowledge. Also inform the child that if she had reached puberty, then he is the biological father or mother can be. Therefore he should be more careful about their sexual organs in a responsible manner. Encourage the child to discuss the result of promiscuity and sexual diseases that may occur if the child is not responsible with their sexual organs. Explain the religious sanctions and social sanctions that are given when someone is pregnant out of wedlock, get married because 'accidents', abortion or sexually transmitted diseases and even deadly.

Sex Education in Schools

With the commencement of sex education from an early age by parents, the teachers at the school residence provides important emphases according to the applicable curriculum. The government does not need to create new curricula to respond to requests from various circles who want sex education given at school because of actual sex education can be delivered in the learning of biology in particular material on the human reproductive system. Curriculum in Indonesia which is a spiral, allowing the material learned in elementary school are dealt with in more depth in the secondary school level so that the learning materials and top Human Reproductive System runs continuously.

Teachers do not need to be ashamed or embarrassed to invite students to discuss in class, instead of teachers should be able to take advantage of this opportunity for students to obtain a correct knowledge of appropriate sources. Encourage students to dig up information on the structure and function of reproductive organs, since organ function must be related to the structure. Such a learning strategy to avoid the students to simply memorize the will but make the students understand and interpret the material being studied. Ask students to suggest how the treatment of reproductive organ that is essential for their future survival. Involve students in collaborative or cooperative learning activities in order to assess the reproductive health especially with regard to sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy outside of marriage. Sensitivity of students to the actual phenomena in society can be sharpened by raising issues such as the influence of circulating hot videos / movies porn, abortion, violence and sexual harassment. From this, it not only can enhance students 'mastery of concepts, but also able to develop students' critical thinking skills which is one type of higher-order thinking skills.

Selasa, Maret 08, 2011

Materi Usaha, Energi, dan Daya

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Kamis, Maret 03, 2011

Materi Gaya

Gaya merupakan tarikan atau dorongan yang diberikan kepada suatu benda. Fenomena gaya ini sangat erat dengan kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Ketika kita memindahkan benda tentu saja kita melakukan gaya. Untuk lebih memahami materi Gaya, silakan untuk mempelajarinya melalui slide yang dapat didownload melalui tiga situs, yaitu www.uploading.com, www.scribd.com, atau www.slideshare.net. Saran dan masukan sangat penulis nantikan di link Komentar yang ada di bawah artikel. Selamat belajar. Caiyo!

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